Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Can Auto Dealerships See Tax Benefits From Renovation?

Many automobile dealerships implement significant renovations as the industry morphs due to technology changes and as manufacturers rebrand.  The goal of the renovations are, of course, to improve top line performance (sales).
Top line goals can effectively be achieved more quickly by capitalizing on the tax benefits associated with the renovations; for instance, it’s not uncommon for $1MM in renovations to conservatively equate to a $60,000 tax related improvement in the bottom line. Given a 10% profit margin, that equates to a $600,000 increase in top line results.
What Tax Benefits?
Tax benefits associated with construction costs can be procured through an Engineering Based Cost Segregation Study. This Study applies tax compliant depreciation time-lines to certain non-structural components. For instance, instead of depreciating carpeting over 39 years as if it were a structural item, it would be depreciated in five years. Many other non-structural building components can be depreciated in 5, 7 and 15 years versus 39 years.
Furthermore, the tax benefits of properly depreciating current renovations can apply to the entire existing facility, including past renovations.
So, here are the benefits of reducing Federal and State taxable income by safely ‘accelerating’  depreciation on certain building components with a rigorous Study:
  • New renovation, purchase or construction will result in increased cash flow in the first 6 years.
  • Owned for 5 or more years qualifies for all unrealized depreciation carried forward into the current tax year.
From our experience, its not uncommon to document as much as $200,000 in accelerated depreciation per $1MM worth of building; assuming a 35% tax rate, the resultant reduction in taxable income would translate to a $70,000 bottom line improvement.
A project fee for a Study is typically between $10,000 and $20,000 per building, and can depend on property size, construction quality, location, availability of accurate construction documents, other.
So, a $2MM building could provide a $140,000 bottom line improvement; that’s about a 10:1 benefit-to-cost ratio for performing the Study (…and that’s not considering the net cost basis of the Study after writing it off as a business expense!).
In summary, cost segregation analysis is a logical tax strategy dating back to 1959 when the Tax Court first allowed component-based depreciation of buildings (though greatly clarified over the past decade with the IRS’s Audit And Technique Guidelines). Even properties purchased years ago can capture benefit with a very attractive cost-to-benefit ratio for performing an Engineering Based Cost Segregation Study. Any auto dealership whether purchased, constructed or renovated for costs in excess of $500,000 should consider this service.
For additional information contact us here. Even if you don't have an auto dealership, we may be able to save your business thousands of dollars, with no upfront fees. The first step takes about 5 minutes with no obligation.
And if you would like to work with us, send an email to Lgpotter33@gmail.com
Best Regards,
Larry Potter

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Why Do Overcharges Occur If You have USA Work Comp Expenses?

Image result for overcharges images

Workers’ compensation overcharges are a result of a complex system designed by
actuaries and rating bureaus and implemented by clerical personnel and overseen
by state regulators. The premium that a company pays for workers’ compensation
insurance is derived from a complex relationship between classifications, rates,
payrolls, experience modifications, rating bureau rules and state insurance rules.

• Local Regulation

Insurance regulation is conducted at the state level. There are fifty (50) state
insurance departments and each department enforces its own set of laws created
by its state’s legislature. Each state relies on the expertise from the NCCI or the
state’s rating bureau. Normally, when an insurance department is contacted for
assistance from a policyholder, they often defer to the NCCI or local rating bureau.
Together, they have developed a complex system that is interrelated and
independent at the same time.

• Lack of One Entity Overseeing the Process

Who sees that a company pays only what they are obligated to pay? The insurance
company? The insurance agency or insurance broker? The rating bureau? The
state’s department of insurance? There is not ONE entity that oversees the entire
process from start to finish. The insurance company only does as much as they
have to according to the state insurance laws. They do not calculate the experience
modification factor or develop classification codes. This is done by the rating
bureaus. The insurance agency or broker is paid by the insurance companies and
are subject to contracts with them.

• No Universal Method In Correcting Errors

Since there is no significant oversight of the entire process, most insurance
companies, even after they have learned of a mistaken procedure, apply the wrong
procedure to other policyholders. Once an error is discovered, the insurance
company will correct the mistake, but only for the policyholder that brings the error
to the insurance company’s attention. All the other policyholders continue to be

• Complexity

The workers’ compensation system is incredibly complex. In most states, there are
over 700 approved classifications and the interpretation of classifications varies
from state to state. In addition, insurance company underwriters, premium auditors
and technicians handle multi-state territories. It is virtually impossible to know all
the rules and regulations of multiple jurisdictions, but our national reps are experts
and can find you savings with no upfront fees.

No Savings = No Fee to the Client

Find out more here

Monday, October 17, 2016

Premium Calculation for Worker's Comp

If your  company purchases workers’ compensation insurance, the premium is
calculated according to a certain format. This can vary from state to
state; however, there is a considerable degree of uniformity. A policy is
normally one year in duration.

The basic method of pricing workers’ compensation insurance begins with a rate
per $100 of payroll. There are different classifications which apply to different work
exposures, and each classification will carry its own rate per $100 of payroll
determined by the state’s rating bureau and company’s insurance carrier.

Basically, the rate corresponds to the exposure to injury of different categories of
work. For example, the rate for a bank employee is subject to a lower workplace
risk of injury compared to a roofing contractor. Thus, the rate for the bank
employee’s classification code will be much lower than the rate for the roofing
contractor’s classification code.

Most states utilize the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) classification
system, but several states like PA, NJ, DE, CA and MI are slightly modified.

The leading classification principle in workers’ compensation insurance is that the
overall business is classified, not the individual workplace exposure of the
employee. As an example, in most states, at an automobile dealership the parts
counter employees are placed in the same classification as the mechanics. The
classification applied to the business is the “governing classification.” The
governing classification is the classification that generates the most payroll for a
company. There are exceptions, for example, construction companies are not subject
to the governing classification rules, but rather the individual exposure of the
employee is classified according to the classification rules that apply in a particular state.

Keep in mind that there are several workplace exposures that are normally separated into
their own classifications called “standard exceptions.” These include clerical, outside
sales and often drivers (but not in every state).

Can your business reduce its worker's comp costs with no upfront fees?

Find out here

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Basics of Worker's Comp

Workers’ compensation insurance is regulated by each state while rules regarding the business obligation can vary quite a bit. Most states allow a company to purchase from a number of insurance companies, including state run funds, to meet the statutory obligation. But a few monopolistic states such as WY, ND, WA and OH   require a company to purchase their workers’ compensation insurance only through a state fund and will not allow private insurance. Companies in Texas are not required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance, but instead are allowed to “go bare.” If a TX company does not elect to carry workers’ compensation insurance, the company is responsible for the payment for any workers’
compensation injury or illness.

If a company is large enough, many states allow a company to self-insure. The requirements to self-insure vary from state to state.

If you have an average workers compensation premium of $50K or above, you should know  that over 70% of all companies have been or are currently overcharged for their workers’ compensation premiums.

To find out if this includes your USA company, visit here now.

Larry Potter

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

What you should know about Work Comp Audits

Workers’ compensation insurance is state mandated and provides employees with payments for work related injuries and occupational illness including payments for medical expenses and for loss time from work (indemnity). There are no limits on medical claims, although each state establishes an amount on a loss of limb, death, and varying degrees of partial or permanent disability. Loss time or indemnity payments are normally a payment equaling two-thirds (2/3) of an employee’s usual wage. An employee normally becomes eligible for indemnity payments after three (3) lost days of work.

Our WorkCompAudit identifies and recovers workers’ compensation premium overcharges by reviewing the past five to seven years of classifications, experience rating calculations and premium audit calculations.

Experience indicates that over 70% of all companies have been or are currently overcharged for their workers’ compensation premiums.

A few of our Targeted Industries:

Aircraft, Amusement Park & Ski Areas, Assisted Living, Automobile Dealerships, Beverage Dealers - Wholesale, Bottlers, Box Mfg., Bldg. Operators, Cable Installation, Casinos, Carpentry, Clothing Mfg., Contractors, Food Processing, Foundry, Forklift Operations, Garbage Collection, Grocery Stores, Home Builders, Home Health Care, Hospitals,Labor Services (temp help), Lumber Yards, Machinery Dealers, Meat Processors, Mining Operations, Municipalities, Lurching Homes, Oil & Gas Exploration, Plastics Mfg., Railroad Operations, Restaurants, Sand & Gravel, Scaffolding, Scrap Dealers, Sheet Metal, Trucking, Warehousing, Wrecking & Demolition and many more.

Minimum Requirements:

*Industries that have an average workers compensation premium of $50K or above

Note: Companies that have operations in more than one state increase the opportunity of recovering a refund substantially.

Find out about the brief survey we conduct to determine your initial savings, no upfront fees. We don't get paid unless you save.

Visit us now

Larry Potter
Senior Stryde Advisor

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Strategic Partnership Program

Add our service to what you are already doing or start a new business.

We offer differentiation among your industry to increase Client acquisition, Client retention, promote growth and a more comprehensive revenue.

Our structure opens doors, initiate opportunities and develops long term relationships. We work with firms nationally to drastically enhance differentiation and create a realized financial benefit to the Client.

Program Benefits

• Market Awareness
• Client Acquisition
• Competitive Edge in Bidding
• Specialized Tax Quarterly SWAT Training
• NFL Retired Players Association Alignment
• Field Rep Access

While we can provide substantial benefit to all business types, we focus aggressively on those Industries that realize the greatest benefits.

Our team of legal, tax and engineering professionals work with you to enhance your brand through the provision of the most proven and comprehensive series of reviews in the
industry. Our efforts have resulted in 100's of millions of dollars in benefit to tax professional Clients.

We specialize in cost recapture, refinement and tax mitigation services. These platforms have allowed both promising and established firms to experience explosive growth, enhanced Client
retention and more comprehensive revenue.

Tax practices that we work with have used these platforms to benefit and acquire new Clients of all sizes, ranging from small businesses up to and including, many fortune 500 companies
across every market sector.

Our Process:

Discovery Call- Learn about the Client and outline the opportunity.

Data Gathering- Client provides appropriate documentation which is used to generate a proposal identifying savings. Average benefit
per Client is $240,000.

Present Findings- Results Call to outline the benefit to the Client and cover fees associated with benefit. Client can move forward understanding the cost of the structure.

No Savings=No Fee to the Client.

Learn More Now at  http://bit.ly/2cv3i8O

Monday, September 5, 2016

How to make $100k-$300k per year...

Telecommuting okay.

We are seeking positive, business-minded individuals.


* Entrepreneurial Spirit and desire to be paid what you are worth!

* Outstanding networking and client relationship skills

* Positive Attitude and Energetic

* Desire to be your own boss

* Highly motivated and goal oriented

* Teachable and able to follow instructions

* Team Building Skills a plus, but not necessary

* Professional, ethical, and honest

* Excellent time management and organizational skills

* Computer proficiency

Watch the 2 short videos and then apply.

Saturday, July 9, 2016