Friday, April 19, 2019

Which consulting firm is the best to work for if you're looking for a good work/life balance?

In the USA, it would be StrydeSolutions/GMG Savings. Immediately, you get 4 hours of training (some new advisors have brought in new clients before they even finish those!
There is no selling and I work the hours I want, when I want. We run a simple 5-minute app for clients using either a phone, tablet or computer either in person or by phone. In seconds, it shows the 1000’s of dollars of savings the business can obtain. The app then sets a discovery with them, us and a national account manager who closes for us!
Every Friday at 9am CST we have a mastermind call where we hear from new advisors and their successes, plus we get a snippet of training. There is nothing on the market like this, I have been with them since Feb of 2016.
For a broader overview, tap here now.
Larry G. Potter
Specialized Tax Senior Advisor

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Many firms like yours are sitting on real money!

If you're a commercial property owner…

And you don't know about this NEW tax law…

You could be leaving A LOT of money on the table!

If you don't know about it, it's not your fault.

You see, while hardworking taxpayers like you are in the dark…

The lawmakers who passed this NEW law are set to collect up to $16 million in income.

There's hundreds of millions at stake!

No wonder Bloomberg called this "a multimillion-dollar windfall."

If you're a business taxpayer, click here now to see how to collect some of that cash.