In the USA, it would be StrydeSolutions/GMG Savings. Immediately, you get 4 hours of training (some new advisors have brought in new clients before they even finish those!
There is no selling and I work the hours I want, when I want. We run a simple 5-minute app for clients using either a phone, tablet or computer either in person or by phone. In seconds, it shows the 1000’s of dollars of savings the business can obtain. The app then sets a discovery with them, us and a national account manager who closes for us!
Every Friday at 9am CST we have a mastermind call where we hear from new advisors and their successes, plus we get a snippet of training. There is nothing on the market like this, I have been with them since Feb of 2016.
For a broader overview, tap here now.
Larry G. Potter
Specialized Tax Senior Advisor