For those that are looking for USA corporate real estate or business purpose financing, we have a consortium of select companies and individuals with expertise in a variety of funding environments. Each member of this group of professionals has been carefully selected for their expertise, knowledge and contacts with their specific niche markets. This elite group works as a team to find solutions for those in need of financing. We consult on a confidential basis and utilize each other's resources to insure the best possible chance of success.
Business Financing
The three major factors lenders look at are cash flow, credit and collateral. When businesses can demonstrate all three they stand a good chance of getting the funding they need. However, all too often something is missing and usually it's a lack of collateral since many businesses typically do not own buildings, valuable machinery or inventory that could easily be liquidated. Many times those businesses would be denied financing, however with us, very frequently we will be able to accomplish financing opportunities and options for them.
Real Estate Financing
Still reeling from the effects of the financial crisis, commercial banks are turning away good projects, cutting funding for projects in progress and refusing to refinance loans with balloon payments - a common feature in traditional commercial mortgages. With interest rates at or near record lows there is incredible incentive to take advantage of those rates, we have lenders that are more than interested in participating in both facilitating and servicing the needs of those borrowers desirous of taking advantage of today's superior rates.
Our Corporate Loan Products:
Conventional Commercial Loans (All forms)
Small Balance Commercial Loans
Bridge Loans (Especially large balance)
Securities Based Financing (Loans against stocks, bonds, mutual funds etc. As well as some IRA’s/401K’s)
Apartment Buildings
Hospitality Industry (Hotel, Motel, Event Centers)
Office Buildings
Medical, Medical, Medical! (Buildings, Re-Fi’s, Purchases, Working Capital as part of a refinance or purchase etc.)
Church Loans
Hard Money
Deposit Based Financing (ACH Debit)
Credit Card Lines of Credit
Residential (Alternative Financing i.e. Foreign Investors, High Number of Properties, Stated Income/Stated Asset)
Blanket Residential (5 properties minimum, no max)
All SBA Categories
Construction Loans
Large Balance Mezzanine, Bridge Equity (15MM and above)
Lending From Hedge Funds (10MM and above)
AR (Based on Accounts Receivables)
Equipment Purchasing
Franchise Financing
Farm/AG Financing
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USA Only.....
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