Saturday, December 30, 2017

Credit Card Audits

The Problem

The payment industry, and in particular, credit card processing, is complex. Merchants are faced with confusing statements, hundreds of various payment processing fees - including costly layers of discount rates, transaction
fees and surcharges - in addition to the numerous processing options offered by merchant service providers, payment gateways, and other payment processing entities. Without an unbiased insight, a merchant can easily fall trap to unfair pricing and pay large fees to accept credit card payments.

Who Should A Merchant Trust?

When evaluating merchant processing services, a merchant understands their own business requirements for card acceptance, but often have to rely on a sales representative selling merchant services to provide honest information on merchant service plan types and pricing options. Competition for your business is fierce and most sales representatives are paid on commission for the fees generated by your processing. This has led to deceptive sales tactics in an industry known for its complexity and negative image.

Merchants asked to reveal their processing rate often tell us about their ‘qualified’ rate or an effective rate not inclusive of all provider fees. This misunderstanding is far too common for an expense that has significant impact on the operating margin of a business. The payment industry is complex. We can help.

Expense Reduction Solution

The Stryde two-phase approach to expense reduction is unparalleled in the payment industry. We correct the processing plan to reflect the most competitive plan type and rate, using formulated, specific asks of the existing provider. Our team then works with the client to further reduce the non-negotiable fees through processing optimization – where we help qualify payment transactions at lower interchange rates by passing through additional processing data.

Phase I We ‘right-size’ the account plan, placing the merchant on the correct plan type with the most competitive plan rate. Savings are immediately realized moving forward.

Phase II We implement ‘processing optimization’ where we help the merchant correct future transactions to avoid downgrades and satisfy Level 2/3 processing requirements.

Stryde has tools to audit and analyze credit card processing, and we are uniquely positioned to secure the lowest possible card processing rate, ensure accurate billing, and help merchants reduce their overall payment processing expenses.

Stryde is ready to make a difference to your bottom line by delivering maximum transparency and
measurable results. Our experience and expertise in the payments industry, along with our proprietary auditing tools, will deliver unparalleled expense reduction results.

Larry Potter 

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