Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Business Savings - No Upfront Fees: Looking For CPA Alliances
Business Savings - No Upfront Fees: Looking For CPA Alliances: We offer a turnkey partnering program with CPA Firms nationwide to help their clients maximize cash flow and bridge the gap between ac...
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Some credit card balance transfer "deals" are scams in disguise!
Free websites such as allow you to search for cards in multiple categories, including cards that offer cash back; low introductory rates; balance transfers; gas rewards; credit card deals; miles and points. You might want to crunch the numbers first. features a balance transfer calculator that allows you to see what the costs are.
More generous zero percent offers may last for 12 to 18 months. Look carefully before making your decision.
The timing associated with a low-interest-rate credit card deal is especially critical if what you're really being offered is a deferred interest card, as opposed to a zero percent interest card.
The Federal Trade Commission has shut down at least a half-dozen credit card scams that falsely promised unsuspecting consumers zero percent or low-rate credit card balance transfers. Instead, those consumers got fleeced, authorities say.
In one scheme, a company called National Card Monitor LLC charged people between $499 and $599 in up-front fees in exchange for allegedly securing a lower-rate credit card on the customer's behalf. National Card Monitor even offered a "100 percent money back guarantee."
The problem was that the low-rate credit cards touted by the company never materialized. When customers tried to get refunds, they were stonewalled.
The lesson? Avoid paying up-front fees for any product or service. And be sure to read the fine print of any credit card offer before agreeing to the deal. features a balance transfer calculator that allows you to see what the costs are.
More generous zero percent offers may last for 12 to 18 months. Look carefully before making your decision.
The timing associated with a low-interest-rate credit card deal is especially critical if what you're really being offered is a deferred interest card, as opposed to a zero percent interest card.
The Federal Trade Commission has shut down at least a half-dozen credit card scams that falsely promised unsuspecting consumers zero percent or low-rate credit card balance transfers. Instead, those consumers got fleeced, authorities say.
In one scheme, a company called National Card Monitor LLC charged people between $499 and $599 in up-front fees in exchange for allegedly securing a lower-rate credit card on the customer's behalf. National Card Monitor even offered a "100 percent money back guarantee."
The problem was that the low-rate credit cards touted by the company never materialized. When customers tried to get refunds, they were stonewalled.
The lesson? Avoid paying up-front fees for any product or service. And be sure to read the fine print of any credit card offer before agreeing to the deal.
Smart Business Tax Moves to Make Now.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Jill Scott
Give Jill Scott an Award for Her Performance of Fellatio on a Microphone
New site for business owners:
Monday, November 12, 2018
Do you need a CPA or accountant to see your tax refunds before you file?
I would like to know how many of you business owners have used Stryde's website to see your tax refunds?
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
Saturday, July 28, 2018
The #1 Lie About Cost Segregation
Cost Segregation on Older Buildings?
It is impossible for me to calculate the number of calls I’ve had with building owners and CPAs on the subject of Cost Segregation. Working some numbers in my head (ok, on my calculator), the number is likely well over 10,000. Out of all those calls there is one particular item that continues to rear its ugly, uninformed head and I can no longer stay silent. I must respond… with vigor!
The “item” in question comes in the form of the following quote, which I’ve heard too often to count:
“You can only do Cost Segregation on a new building or new renovation.”
I have no idea where this rumor started. I hear it weekly and now I am blogging in rebuttal.
First, I will say an unequivocal “Yes”, it is beneficial to have a Cost Segregation study done when you purchase/construct/renovate a new building. In fact, anyone constructing or renovating a commercial property should have a study completed. However, the true power of Cost Segregation is displayed on buildings that are not new!
“But, you can only do Cost Segregation on a new building or new renovation”.
To officially rebut this statement, I will go straight to the source. The first sentence in the IRS Cost Segregation Audit Techniques Guide – Chapter 6.2 reads:
“A taxpayer may conduct a cost segregation study on used property and then recompute its depreciation deductions for prior years”. *
Not only “may” a taxpayer do this but over 75% of our projects are older properties. In the industry we call this the “Catch Up” method, and it can produce powerful results.
Here is an example:
Mr. Client acquires a commercial property for $3,500,000 five years ago and never completed a Cost Segregation Study.
Despite rumors to the contrary, Mr. Client recognizes he may now have an opportunity to benefit from a study (maybe he read this blog post).
Mr. Client hires an expert (GMG for example), who identifies 20% ($700,000) of components that should have been allocated to 5-year life instead of 39 years. Mr. Client jumps for joy when he realizes the IRS will allow him to “catch up” $700,000 of missed accelerated depreciation on his next tax return!
Why doesn’t every building owner and CPA know this?
The answer is simple; it is not their area of expertise. Although some building owners and CPAs have substantial experience with Cost Segregation, most do not. There is a dearth of true educators in this field, which unfortunately leads to much misinformation. These factors have caused countless thousands of building owners to miss out on this powerful tax savings strategy.
All is not lost!
If you own a building and have not had a Cost Segregation study performed, you have not missed the boat. Hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of dollars in tax savings may be available to you. Now that you are aware, let’s see how much you qualify for! Contact Us today for more information.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Tax Planners
Watch this video to see the proprietary system that is wiping out client retention
concerns, bringing in more business owner clients than ever before and giving your competition their
best years ever.
Saturday, June 23, 2018
It's not always wise to go after the biggest accounts. Why?
Strategic Partnerships & Large Accounts Elephant Hunting
In sales, the term "elephant hunting" is typically reserved for a salesperson that ONLY goes after HUGE deals.
Growing a business is a challenge and some dream of that one "Elephant" client that will make it all worthwhile. However, we need to ask the question:
Does it make sense for you to direct all of your attention and energy on a few big accounts?
- OR -
Does it seem like a better use of your time, energy and attention to go after multiple small to medium sized accounts to expand your business?
In our experience, when you are constantly hunting elephants what you find is that you end up with nothing at all, except many missed opportunities.
Elephants have their place, and if you are allowing yourself to NOT throw everything into hunting for the one big deal, you will save yourself immeasurable frustration, be more motivating to your team, put a number of wins on the board and substantially reduce risk to your business.
If you have any questions on sales or coaching, please reach out to
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
Monday, May 21, 2018
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
52 profile reviews for jobs today alone.
So far today, I have had 52 profile reviews for jobs by using
My profile is at
All free too.
Monday, April 30, 2018
It's Time to Join the Instant Economy
MONDAY - May 7, 2018
*Get thousands of new clients with the click of a button 24 hours a day!
*New Partnership Program, Get thousands of new clients pushed directly to you
*New client criteria opens access to MILLIONS of new clients
*We're Driving More Traffic
VIP Webinar Monday May 7th 3pm EST
For more info, email
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Article Video robot
Today a new program raved about by THOUSANDS of Internet marketers just went 2.0.
If you're in a hurry, check this out now:
You know how every once in a few years a product comes along and changes the lives of everyone who touches it?
This is one of them.
Think about it:
If you were suddenly able to convert articles to videos in seconds, and have them distributed to dozens of video sharing sites at the click of button, that would truly be awesome right?
That's exactly what this program does.
It's called "Article Video Robot 2.0", and it's going to get your profits soaring like you've never imagined.
When you run this program, it does EVERYTHING for you, including...
- Convert articles to amazing videos instantly
- Distribute your videos to dozens of video sharing sites
- Generate a tsunami of traffic to your website
- Get your sales & profits skyrocketing
Best part?
No camera or video editing skills required.
It's truly push button magic - Something you've to see to believe.
Get the full scoop here:
Today a new program raved about by THOUSANDS of Internet marketers just went 2.0.
If you're in a hurry, check this out now:
You know how every once in a few years a product comes along and changes the lives of everyone who touches it?
This is one of them.
Think about it:
If you were suddenly able to convert articles to videos in seconds, and have them distributed to dozens of video sharing sites at the click of button, that would truly be awesome right?
That's exactly what this program does.
It's called "Article Video Robot 2.0", and it's going to get your profits soaring like you've never imagined.
When you run this program, it does EVERYTHING for you, including...
- Convert articles to amazing videos instantly
- Distribute your videos to dozens of video sharing sites
- Generate a tsunami of traffic to your website
- Get your sales & profits skyrocketing
Best part?
No camera or video editing skills required.
It's truly push button magic - Something you've to see to believe.
Get the full scoop here:
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Is there any type of partner program for WOTC?
Yes. We partner with several large accounting firms and financial advisors to provide WOTC screening services for their clients. Here are the benefits of working with us:
*New live chat box available from 8am-5pm Eastern M-F where you or your clients can ask questions about getting up to $9600 in federal tax credits for each person hired.
*Screen Before Hiring
*Real Time Reporting On Applicants
*No Deep Dive To Try Us, Only Month-To-Month, No Contract
*It Does 90% Of The Work
*Start Today in Minutes
*Receive updates on tax changes
This program falls under the Worker’s Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), and is a Federal tax credit available to all employers who hire and retain qualified individuals. Employers currently claim about $1 billion in credits each year under the WOTC program. The average credit per qualified employee is $2,400 and can be as much as $9,600.
Some of our partners and clients are familiar with the WOTC program and it’s benefits but have not taken advantage of it due to it’s historically difficult qualification process. We’ve eliminated all difficulties of this process with the creation of our exclusive Client Portal.
We’ve provided you an easy way to pre-qualify and capture your tax credits.
If you’re wondering “if” a business qualifies, the answer is ANY business that hires employees qualifies.
To get started simply use link below and answer the two questions provided.
Click here to learn more about our Strategic Partnership Program.
Live call Friday's at 9am CST
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Business Owners Can Realize A Return of From 10.53% to 42.11% On Each New Person Hired.
Yes, business owners can receive federal tax credits of from $2400 - $9600 for each new hire.
This is obtained thru W.O.T.C. (a federal program) and our software which starts as low as $19/mo with no contract required. And we now have a live chat box available from 8am-5pm Eastern M-F where you can ask questions about getting up to $9600 in federal tax credits for each person you hire.
More info at WOTC
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Term Loan Program up to $300,000 Liquid
Pre-qualification criteria:
- Rates from 4.99%-14.99%
- No minimum length of time in business, startups welcome
- Fixed monthly payments
- No upfront fees
- Full liquidity immediately
- Cash in your account in 7 days or sooner
Pre-qualification criteria:
- 680+ personal credit scores across all 3 bureaus
- 2 years personal tax returns showing at least $50,000 net
Contact Us Now:
Monday, February 26, 2018
Tools for mobile working...
*Get your free PDF for the essential tool and tips you'll need.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Why Focus?
We were all designed for something, and we have to ask ourselves, “What are those few things that only I can do?” “What are the few things that I am truly one of the best in the country at?”
And now for the painful question…“How much time do you actually spend on that?”
For most of us the answer is probably less than 10% of our time. Once you determine the answers to these three questions, get rid of almost everything else! Seriously, delegate it, let go of it, or just stop doing it. What makes you great will never make your organization great until you are focusing the majority of your available time and energy on it.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
How is the WOTC Tax Credit claimed?
WOTC is a general business credit and can offset federal income taxes and can be carried back to the prior year or carried forward 20 years. This program falls under the Worker’s Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), and is a Federal tax credit available to all employers who hire and retain qualified individuals. Employers currently claim about $1 billion in credits each year under the WOTC program. The average credit per qualified employee is $2,400 and can be as much as $9,600.
Taxable Employers
After an employee has been qualified and the certification secured, a taxable employer may claim the tax credit as a general business credit against their income tax using IRS form 3800.
Sole Proprietorship, S-Corp, LLC, LLP or Partnership
The credit passes to the owner, shareholder, member or partner in the same manner as losses are allocated.
The credits are used by the corporation.
The credits are used by the corporation.
Tax-exempt Employers
Employers who are qualified as tax exempt as described in IRC Section 501(c) and exempt from taxation under IRC Section 501(a), may only claim the WOTC for qualified veterans and may not claim for other target groups.
After an employee has been qualified and the certification secured, tax exempt employers may claim the credit against the employer social security tax using IRS Form 5884-C. Form 5884-C 'Work Opportunity Credit for Qualified Tax-Exempt Organizations Hiring Qualified Veterans' is filed after filing the related employment tax return for the employment tax period for which the credit is being claimed.
See what your total WOTC would be after answering 2 basic questions at
Friday, February 9, 2018
Benefit Loss Imminent
This is the year to consider cost segregation for your property. I'm not sure if you have been following the tax code changes but I would seriously consider moving on this quickly if I were you.
A cost segregation filed with your 2017 taxes is worth 40% more than one filed next year.
The value of your depreciation as a whole just took a huge hit with this tax change, and this is the last year you're allowed to do a "catch up" and reclaim all that money.
You did those buildings during years where tax rates where at their highest, and depreciated things under the assumption that you'd get those deductions "over time". Now, due to the tax changes you still get some of your money, but it's at 21% instead of 35% (therefore, your overall deduction is worth 40% less next year than it is this year).
We're slammed with new clients because of the news and tax deadlines looming, but I wanted reach out to you. We'd need to get started soon in order to meet your deadline. What are a few times this week we could connect?
Thank You,
Larry G. Potter
A cost segregation filed with your 2017 taxes is worth 40% more than one filed next year.
The value of your depreciation as a whole just took a huge hit with this tax change, and this is the last year you're allowed to do a "catch up" and reclaim all that money.
You did those buildings during years where tax rates where at their highest, and depreciated things under the assumption that you'd get those deductions "over time". Now, due to the tax changes you still get some of your money, but it's at 21% instead of 35% (therefore, your overall deduction is worth 40% less next year than it is this year).
We're slammed with new clients because of the news and tax deadlines looming, but I wanted reach out to you. We'd need to get started soon in order to meet your deadline. What are a few times this week we could connect?
Thank You,
Larry G. Potter
Friday, February 2, 2018
70-80 Billion Being Lost by B2Bs that they are not aware of!
And this includes eCommerce companies too. (Online retailers / Phone / Internet / Catalog Orders )
Note: B2B includes, but not limited to:
• Law firms focusing on corporate litigation and transactions
• Corporate accounting firms
• Manufacturers
• Distributors
I’m excited to tell you more about a credit card monitoring service. Let me tell you up front, they are not a merchant processor and they will never ask you to switch processors or equipment.
No benefits = No fees.
Most B2Bs get a ton of calls from companies trying to switch and save regarding your merchant account. Again, this company is NOT here to switch your processor. In fact their service is designed to keep you with your current processor.
• They have saved companies over $100 million in fees! Companies like Adidas, Yankee Candle, Office Depot and many more, all across America, large and small.
• You are probably not aware, but there are over 1000 different charges that make up the fees on your merchant statement.
• On average this company saves their clients 21% off of their merchant service fees and again, they reduce your fees without switching processors.
• In fact, they find savings 100% of the time, which means every month you’ve been overpaying on interchange fees. Wouldn’t you like to find out how much they can save you?
Clients never billed unless they experience a savings.
Their process is simple. All they need is your last six months of statements and in three business days you’ll receive a free report just that will outline an 11 point audit and provides you the transparency into all the hidden fees and surcharges.
Their expertise and experience coupled with their thorough expense reduction process, ensures a competitive advantage over other firms in your industry.
They correct the processing plan to reflect the most competitive plan type and rate, using formulated, specific asks of the existing provider. Their team then works with the you to further reduce the nonnegotiable fees through processing optimization, where they can help qualify payment transactions at lower interchange rates by passing through additional processing data.
Contingency based billing - no other fees.
For More Info
Note: B2B includes, but not limited to:
• Law firms focusing on corporate litigation and transactions
• Corporate accounting firms
• Manufacturers
• Distributors
I’m excited to tell you more about a credit card monitoring service. Let me tell you up front, they are not a merchant processor and they will never ask you to switch processors or equipment.
No benefits = No fees.
Most B2Bs get a ton of calls from companies trying to switch and save regarding your merchant account. Again, this company is NOT here to switch your processor. In fact their service is designed to keep you with your current processor.
• They have saved companies over $100 million in fees! Companies like Adidas, Yankee Candle, Office Depot and many more, all across America, large and small.
• You are probably not aware, but there are over 1000 different charges that make up the fees on your merchant statement.
• On average this company saves their clients 21% off of their merchant service fees and again, they reduce your fees without switching processors.
• In fact, they find savings 100% of the time, which means every month you’ve been overpaying on interchange fees. Wouldn’t you like to find out how much they can save you?
Clients never billed unless they experience a savings.
Their process is simple. All they need is your last six months of statements and in three business days you’ll receive a free report just that will outline an 11 point audit and provides you the transparency into all the hidden fees and surcharges.
Their expertise and experience coupled with their thorough expense reduction process, ensures a competitive advantage over other firms in your industry.
They correct the processing plan to reflect the most competitive plan type and rate, using formulated, specific asks of the existing provider. Their team then works with the you to further reduce the nonnegotiable fees through processing optimization, where they can help qualify payment transactions at lower interchange rates by passing through additional processing data.
Contingency based billing - no other fees.
For More Info
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Last Minute Changes for Tax Season Webinar Monday February 5th
VIP webinars provide the opportunity to share important information affecting you! Next Monday we will be discussing last minute changes that have a tremendous impact on your tax season this year.
We have also invited a Special Guest Speaker to join us. He is a service expert in both the R&D and Cost Segregation fields and we're looking forward to hearing his take on the changes and the effect they will have on you as well as your clients.
Please set aside time to join us on Monday, February 5th at 3pm EST. We'd like you to extend this invite to your contacts as well.
- Find out why 2018 will be the Biggest Tax Season EVER
- Important talking points you need to know when speaking to a CPA & your Clients
- Service Expert Guest Speaker in R&D and Cost Segregation
- Register Now For a Broader Overview
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
How many times do you contact a client after they ask for more information?
A potential client asks for more detailed information on you services, you e-mail it to them and they don't respond or even say "thank you". Do you send them other another email? No answer. Do you send them a 3rd email? And still no answer. Do you phone? Or do you let it go after first email?
Monday, January 29, 2018
Virtually All Employers in The USA Qualify for Employer Based Tax Incentives
The Financial Meltdown in the mid 2000's brought about a renewed focus on Job Creation. With this we saw massive expansion of Federal Tax Incentives for creating, and maintaining jobs. This was done through the Small Business Jobs Act, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Numerous Job Creation and Protection Acts, and most notable the PATH Act signed by President Obama for effective changes in 2016 through 2022.
How Do Businesses Get Qualified For These Additional Employer Tax Credits?
They take a short 5-minute survey that only asks 8 questions. This covers services of WOTC, R&D, Property Tax, and Cost Segregation.
No upfront fees. We use our time and money to search out the savings, then the client decides to move ahead or not.
The pattern in the last decade is that with the passing of each Act, more and more companies are eligible for Employee based Tax Incentives that broaden not only WOTC itself, but hundreds of programs that surround it and we keep ahead of the curve.
Virtually any business can now benefit from Employer Based Tax Incentives because even candidates that don't qualify for WOTC often qualify for other tax incentives.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Cost Segregation and Depreciation Recapture
Depreciation recapture is an often misunderstood aspect of tax planning and comes into effect only during the sale of a property.
Recapture is limited to the lesser of the gain or the depreciation taken. Meaning, first you have to sell the property and have a gain on the sale to even be concerned.
To have a loss, one would have to sell the property for less than its net tax value. For practical purposes, the depreciation taken is the main limiting factor because the IRS calculates gain as the selling price less the net tax value (cost less depreciation taken). The recapture rules dictate how the gain is taxed, with § 1245 governing personal property and § 1250 governing real property. Section 1245 dictates that the accelerated depreciation taken on personal and real property be taxed at ordinary income tax rates. Section 1250 requires that depreciation taken on real property be taxed at a 25% capital gains rate. Any gain in excess of the total depreciation is taxed at the normal capital gains rate, but this does not wholly dictate whether recapture eliminates a need to do a cost segregation study. This is illustrated in the example below.
Assuming your client has sold or is going to sell their building, let us use the facts below to show the benefit of a cost segregation study.
• Property purchased 6/1/2005
• Cost = $5,000,000 with a breakdown of:
» 5 - year – $1,000,000
» 15 - year – $750,000
» 39 - year – $3,250,000
• Selling price of $10,000,000
• Effective tax rate of 40% (Fed. & State)
• Interest rate of 6%
Using these assumptions, we can calculate the benefit on the sale derived from the cost segregation study taking the accelerated depreciation now vs. depreciating the building at a 39-year life.
Keep in mind that depreciation recapture occurs only to when the sales price is allocated to a specific item in an amount sufficient to produce a gain. Therefore it is essential that the selling price allocation be as part of an appraisal. When a building is sold, for purposes of calculating the gain on the sale, the sale price should be allocated to the specific items based on their fair market value at the time of the sale. While conventional wisdom might suggest that appreciation of real estate generally occurs due to economic appreciation on land, and inflation on the cost of materials and labor, other factors such as income stream and goodwill are often taken into consideration when appraising the property. According to the IRS, the fair market value is not determined by the net tax value but by an appraisal that assigns the fair market value to the property. The IRS will respect a purchase and sale agreement (P&S) in an arm’s length transaction. If a seller allocates the selling price in a P&S to the assets class by class and this is accepted by the purchaser, it will be considered binding on both parties by the IRS – so much so that you cannot do a cost segregation study in this case.
One more point, when a C Corporation sells real property prior to the end of its full recovery period, part of the time value benefit is also lost. However, because all income is taxed at the same rate in the “C” corporation, recapture is a non-issue.
The bottom line is that recapture depreciation does not automatically negate the gain from a cost segregation study. We are not denying that a Cost Segregation Study will produce additional recapture tax, but when you compare the benefit of the accelerated depreciation from a Cost Segregation Study, it usually exceeds the increased tax.
No Upfront Fee for Cost Segregation:
Monday, January 22, 2018
Cost Segregation & Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
In general, commercial property can benefit from a cost segregation study. When you hear that it won’t work, it’s generally because the person saying it is uninformed or they know something unique about a case. As far as REITs go, here are a couple of points for them to consider:
- A REIT can significantly reduce overall taxable income and subsequently its distribution requirement, thereby retaining additional cash flow
- A CSS permits a REIT to pay dividends in the form of return of capital (untaxed until the shareholders shares are sold) instead of ordinary income. If the shareholder holds onto the shares for over 1 year, this will be taxed at the long term capital gains rate rather than the ordinary income rate.
- Investors typically prefer dividends with the greatest percentage of return of capital.
- A CSS increases the return of capital component, thereby increasing the Taxable equivalent yield.
- REITs are eligible to derive up to 15% of their total rental income from personal property that is leased under, or in connection with, the lease of real property.
- Proper identification of property helps maximize the depreciation deduction resulting in increased cash flow.
For more information about Cost Segregation please email us at
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Can a condo development or apartment building benefit from a Cost Segregation Study?
Yes, they can! Condominiums fall under a multi-family category which also includes properties such as apartments, hotels and residential-type facilities that house people either temporarily or for an extended time up to and including life.
Many factors play in computing the depreciation on properties of this type including where they are located, how much land is included and what land improvements apply.
Condominiums can be located in suburban areas and they can be found just as often in metropolitan areas as high rise buildings. The difference in these two property scenarios should be obvious, the suburban location would include a significant number of land improvements and the high rise would only have a small portion of cost basis that could be allocated to land improvements.
Additional considerations in calculating a benefit for condominiums would be; how many units the property contains, what amenities are located on the property (e.g., swimming pools, tennis courts, clubhouses and or fitness centers).
If you own or know someone who owns a condominium property and would like to find out if they would benefit from a Cost Segregation Study, simply schedule a Discovery Call with a National Account Manager today.
Friday, January 19, 2018
How Long Does A Cost Segregation Study Take
The most important answer to this question is: We can accommodate most clients tax deadlines. An integral part of performing a Cost Segregation Study is having the project team work with the clients Tax Professional to understand what deadlines the client may have.
Another key factor is responsiveness from the client or the contact they provide us. Although we pride ourselves in streamlining the process and taking the burden off of the client, we will throughout the process have questions for the client. Their responsiveness can greatly effect the timeline on a Cost Segregation, although we typically find most clients to be very responsive in this area.
The short answer to this question is: We can typically complete a Cost Segregation Study in approximately 4 weeks, but this can be adjusted depending on the clients tax deadlines and responsiveness.
Contact Stryde Now
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Facts About Work Comp Audits
1. 72% of businesses are being overcharged thru errors.
2. Wrong classifications cause overcharges. Example: John is a consrtruction laborer, but maybe he works in the capacity of a manager 40% of the time (less dangerous).
3. Many audits can be disruptive. We are not.
4. Some firms require that you change prividers. We not.
5. Every savings going forward counts.
6. Other firms require upfront fees. We do not. We use our time and money.
For more info contact us at or visit us here
2. Wrong classifications cause overcharges. Example: John is a consrtruction laborer, but maybe he works in the capacity of a manager 40% of the time (less dangerous).
3. Many audits can be disruptive. We are not.
4. Some firms require that you change prividers. We not.
5. Every savings going forward counts.
6. Other firms require upfront fees. We do not. We use our time and money.
For more info contact us at or visit us here
Monday, January 8, 2018
The Upcoming Tax Law Changes DO Affect you, but how?
Know This About The New Tax Law:
*Most significant reform to U.S. tax code since 1986
*Changes have been made to both individual & corporate tax rates
*The state & local tax deduction now has a cap
*Fewer people will be affected by AMT
*The corporate tax rate is being reduced
*Pass-through entities will get a break
....but WOTC for businesses is still available where you can receive a tax credit of $2400 - $9600 per employee hired with 90% of the work done for you with automated software.
The benifits of our WOTC services:
*Screen Before Hiring
*Real Time Reporting On Applicants
*No Deep Dive To Try Us, Only Month-To-Month, No Contract
*It Does 90% Of The Work
*Start Today in Minutes
*Most significant reform to U.S. tax code since 1986
*Changes have been made to both individual & corporate tax rates
*The state & local tax deduction now has a cap
*Fewer people will be affected by AMT
*The corporate tax rate is being reduced
*Pass-through entities will get a break
....but WOTC for businesses is still available where you can receive a tax credit of $2400 - $9600 per employee hired with 90% of the work done for you with automated software.
The benifits of our WOTC services:
*Screen Before Hiring
*Real Time Reporting On Applicants
*No Deep Dive To Try Us, Only Month-To-Month, No Contract
*It Does 90% Of The Work
*Start Today in Minutes
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Is WOTC Available In Spanish?
Yes, the candidate survey is available in both English and Spanish, in fact all of the email templates and communication are available in both languages as well.
$2400-$9600 Tax Incentive for Any Employer Hiring 1 or More Employees Per Year
With our proprietary software, the last setting on your page allows you to enable Multilingual Support.
$2400-$9600 Tax Incentive for Any Employer Hiring 1 or More Employees Per Year
With our proprietary software, the last setting on your page allows you to enable Multilingual Support.
By default this setting is off.
Once enabled, you will be able to select if new Candidates or Employees prefer English or Spanish.
Survey request emails, as well as reminders will all be sent in the Candidate or Employees preferred language, as well as the survey questions themselves.
Try it now, just answer 2 questions at
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