Monday, August 10, 2020

Is there a "Perfect Storm" for advisors/consultants, loan brokers?


I'm sure you know that businesses, large and small, are abandoning ship every day. The news can barely keep up with announcing the closures. You come home from work every night to this, "Did you hear? So and so has just thrown in the towel." Incredibly sad ... and the improvement keeps getting stalled out.

How can you assist in help stemming this tide and help businesses survive?

This is a call to action for those who want to create significant income while helping others. It is the perfect time, and businesses need your help today.

For sixteen years, Growth Management Group (GMG) has provided tax incentive studies to successfully reignite businesses of every imaginable genre, from "mom and pop" to Fortune 500. Frequently, these companies' accountants or CPAs were unaware or afraid to deploy these studies. IMHO, these "professionals" have deprived those organizations of the tax credits the government has purposely set aside to help those very businesses, billions of dollars allocated.

GMG is currently engaged in significant marketing outreach to your businessess. This is an incredible opportunity. The "relief" is right there; black and white, staring directly at the client.

You have a simple task: contact those companies. Ensure they see GMG's correspondence, and ensure they click those links, which will take them directly to their Feasibility Study where they can engage on the spot. It is an easy call to make, even to a prospect you hardly know; "Hi John, I'm just calling as I wanted to be sure you saw an email from Growth Management in the last couple of days. It could be incredibly beneficial to you right now. If you haven't seen it, please contact me right away. Here's my cell number ..."  [Read the numbers slowly and distinctly JUST ONCE if you're leaving a voicemail.]

Cost Segregation is, by far, the fastest payout program I know of within our Advisor world and one of the most beneficial programs for our clients. It can create instant tax relief.

Get on the phone, send an email, send a text, do it right now. You can find templates in your Advisor Portal. Help society, help your situation.

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